July/August 2008This summer has been filled to capacity with LOTS of exciting activities:

It started with the help of some college-aged friends from the Eastridge Baptist Church in Washington, and Timmy, my only remaining single son, who LOVES ministry, LOVES Mexico, and LOVES people, and who served as the US-MX liaison for a multi-faceted outreach packed with building relationships and showing service by example to many people who never expected to be the recipients of so much love.

While the guys worked side-by-side with their Huichol brothers in the village of La Bendición picking, digging, loading and leveling the property that has been earmarked for their church, the rest of us held a VBS for the children. Since we’re in the tropics, and we’re in the middle of our rainy season, it rained every day; but that didn’t stop us from having a wonderful time sharing the truth of God’s Word using the colors of the Wordless Book, singing, making simple crafts, and playing games together. For me, four of the biggest answers to our prayers were: first, at least 11 Huichol children asked Jesus to save them from their sins; second, several young leaders from the Mexican Tepic city church joined forces in helping teach and lead in the VBS; third, Máxima and Gumercindo, a young Huichol couple from the village, followed their example and accepted the weekly responsibility of continuing the teaching of the children’s class in La Bendición; and fourth, the villagers were so motivated by the manual labor that their brothers shared, they have continued working on their own to completely terrace and level the property. Please pray with us for wisdom in determining if this might be the next Huichol church building project. Pray also for continued spiritual maturity in this extraordinary body of believers. You can see lots of digital pictures of the
Bendición VBS and
earthmover activities here.

Not satisfied with only working from early morning to afternoon in the village, our friends determined to utilize this trip to the max, and in the evenings we organized an evangelistic outreach, “Give me the ‘Rock’” tournament, at the big basketball courts in La Loma Park. The final awards/pizza bash night was held at the Tepic church with a clear Gospel message given by Daniel and translated by Tim. LOTS of new friends came as a result; please pray with us for follow-up and lasting changed lives.
“Give me the ‘Rock’” Tournament pictures can be seen here.

Yvonne and Elizabeth from Phoenix arrived the following week to help out in the Tepic church OANSA club camp. We enjoyed lots of close fellowship, exciting Bible classes, dramatic presentations following the daily theme, handcrafts, lots of singing, crazy games, and best of all, the opportunity to offer our lives to the One who loves us most. At least 7 kids put their trust in Jesus to save them. Several committed to follow Him in baptism.
See their pictures here.

I was especially encouraged as I realized that of the 27 leaders and workers from the Tepic church who sacrificed their week of work and other important activities to go along and serve, many were once children who gave their hearts to Jesus in the kids’ classes of the Tepic church. And for me, the icing on the cake was that Ben (and his wife, Karley) and Tim, my oldest and youngest sons, came alongside and helped out. Not only that, Ben fixed absolutely everything that needed fixing in my house while he was here! AND Ben and Karley are expecting my FOURTH grandbaby in February! I am of all people, most blessed! Lots of
pictures of the camp activities are displayed here.

Still another privilege this month was the presentation of the 3rd annual Kirt Mellberg Memorial Scholarship to Marisol Rojo. The scholarship fund, donated by interested sponsors, is a living investment awarded in Kirt’s memory for the purpose of recognizing and encouraging students who have distinguished themselves as leaders, who exemplify the servant qualities of our Lord Jesus Christ, and who are actively preparing themselves for ministry in missions or in a local church…and thankfully, Marisol is OVERQUALIFIED!
The Tepic OANSA/AWANA club that meets every Saturday at 4 p.m. will be starting up again this coming Saturday. We are expecting more kids than ever this year, and we pray that we will be faithful in directing them in His paths. Many of the children in this ministry have very little in terms of this world’s goods, but the vital part you play helps make it possible to continue to share His truth and love with them.
“The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust…” Psalm 18:2
Quick Reference -- September-October Prayer Requests: • Huichol OT translation project
• Huichol NT - MegaVoice Mp3 player distribution to Huichol villages
• Tepic OANSA/AWANA club - begins September 6
• Huichol church – La Bendición
• Pastor Martin - mission trip to El Salvador – September 29
• Tepic (IBBT) 17th anniversary celebration – October 19