November/December 2008
O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens... What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?...
O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!
Psalm 8 Management consultants call it MBO—Management By Objective; God would call it POHG—the Praise Of His Glory (Eph. 1:12). This prayer update is all about celebrating the many ways that God’s plan has run by that single objective of bringing glory to Himself in the works in Tepic and the surrounding villages during these past two months.

The village church in Zapote de Picachos celebrated its 5th anniversary the first week in November. The little chapel, built in love and with great sacrifice, is to the very center of their village as our Savior is to their hearts. A true relationship with Jesus IS the center of their lives. Ten new believers were baptized during the 3-day celebration.
At the end of the festivities the brothers of the village along with some from the village of La Bendición who came to join in the commemoration decided to combine efforts to clear a large plot of land to plant a community corn crop so that next year they will have plenty for feeding their families and enough to share. During the arduous task, one of the men up the hill felled a tree which tumbled down on top of another brother, Vicente, breaking his back and right foot. For two months the brothers, and a few of their American brothers, have given sacrificially of their time, labor and resources to get Vicente the very expensive medical care necessary to begin the healing process, and as Vicente is beginning therapy and learning to walk again our Father’s objective of bringing glory to Himself (POHG) is functioning perfectly. You may read more
details about Vicente and the Huichol “good Samaritans” here.

The month of December was filled with motives for the POHG, as well. There were nearly 100 children at this year’s OANSA (Awana) Christmas party at the Tepic church. Every child received lots of love, a chance to play organized games and break piñatas, a plateful of delicious food, a bagful of fruit and candy, and best of all, the opportunity to listen to the true story of Christmas and receive the greatest gift of all, forgiveness of sins and a permanent place in God’s family.

Caleb surprised us all when he announced that he had transposed the Christmas song he had learned on his flutophone/recorder to his new sax, and he was selected by his teacher to play along with his singing classmates in their performance in the grade school Christmas program! Caleb loves his saxophone; he is thankful that God provided it for him; and he did a fine job of playing his instrument for the POHG.

Luis Armando has taken on the task of teaching six junior high boys from the Tepic church to play the guitar. They meet every Tuesday evening at his house and every Sunday after church to study. They played their first ensemble arrangement in church for the POHG.

Thirty-three years ago this December, as Kirt and I entered Mexico for the first time as missionaries, neither of us realized what all God had in store for us. We knew no one in Tepic, we weren’t invited, and we soon found out that the message we came to share was not really wanted by most. Nevertheless, we prayed that God would make it possible for us, together with those vital partners who sacrificed to help send us, to help lead those whom He placed in our path to Him and plant and establish one biblical, autonomous Mexican church for His glory. Neither of us imagined the course along which God would lead us in order to make that prayer a reality. As Pastor Martín, gave the final invitation to over 200 people in attendance at the annual community Christmas celebration the Sunday evening before Christmas in the Tepic church, it occurred to me that he was wearing a dress suit that had been Kirt’s, he is fruit of the seed that was sown, and he is concrete evidence of many answers to those prayers, many more than we expected, as we all celebrate God’s single objective of bringing glory to Himself – the Praise Of His Glory (POHG).
Quick Reference – January-February Prayer Requests:
• Huichol OT translation project – 6th workshop January 23 through February 7
• Huichol NT - MegaVoice Mp3 player continued distribution to Huichol villages
• Tepic Church – OANSA children’s Bible ClubLabels: Bendición, Picachos, POHG, Tepic, Vicente, Zapote