May/June 2014
Behold ye among the nations, and regard,
and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye
will not believe, though it be told you. Habakkuk 1:5
It is utterly astounding! Nearly unbelievable! God is
actively and constantly working to accomplish His purpose in ways very
different from ours, and His work extends far beyond our imaginations. These
past two months in Tepic are prime examples.

The young people from IBBM-Tepic have learned to use their
God-given talents and creativity to serve and reach out to others, especially
to those of the “household of faith.” They planned a beautiful Mother’s Day celebration complete with a dramatic presentation, special music, organized games,
and fruit salads for everyone in attendance; and they did the same for Father’s Day. God used Pastor Martín and Pastor Nacho’s messages to encourage and exhort
us to allow God’s righteousness to flow through us.
Our Huichol brothers
and sisters from the villages of Zapote de Picachos, La Bendición, Loma Alta,
and Carlos Alatorre have marched full-steam ahead through the latest door God
has opened for reaching Huichol people with the Gospel and planting a new
church. As they pooled their resources, representatives from each village met
in the village of Carrizal to erect a hand-hewn ramada to house the fledgling
Pastor José López baptized the village shaman, Victoriano, along with
several other new believers from his village. They have acknowledged the
authority of Cacaüyari, the one-true God, repented of their sin and committed their
lives to Him. Victoriano burned the “magic” trappings from his old way of
worship. Every week a few from one of each of the four founding missionary
villages alternates in traveling to Carrrizal to continue teaching and
evangelizing until God provides a pastor for the baby church.
The 19th year of OANSA at IBBM-Tepic culminated as usual with granting of awards for children who have
worked diligently all year hiding God’s Word in their hearts. In addition, four
energetic leaders-in-training received their official red shirts indicating
that they have fulfilled all the requirements for becoming full-fledged
leaders. It was a day of great celebration in anticipation of the rewards
promised to those faithful servants who eagerly prepare for our Savior’s anticipated
The annual OANSA fair, the following
week, gave the clubbers the opportunity to spend their hard-earned OANSA pesos
at carnival-like booths designed and administered by each leader. The kids love
God is working a work in our days,
as Habakkuk announced, in ways that are hard to believe, and His work is not
limited to local efforts. In less than two short weeks, Erén (Pastor Martín’s
wife) and I will join forces with a team from North Village Baptist for the
chief purpose of encouraging and introducing the AWANA children’s outreach
opportunity to the Libanus Baptist Church in Llanfairfechan, Wales, just as a
team from NVBC did for IBBM-Tepic 19 years ago. This missions’ effort now has
gone full-circle, as Erén, an OANSA leader since the beginning of the Tepic
church club, will be reciprocating in sharing the Good News and tools for
spreading it in yet another nation.
Habakkuk was not kidding as God told him to
declare that we are to look around at the nations and be amazed! The enemy is
always in opposition to this kind of goal; thankfully, we know that that places
him in opposition to the Creator. Please pray with us as we go, and thank you.
Behold ye among the nations, and regard,
and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye
will not believe, though it be told you. Habakkuk 1:5