Saturday, February 01, 2025

December 2024 – January 2025 …that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith...

December 2024 – January 2025
…that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine… Romans 1:12

Even this, our loving Father thought of to motivate His children. Paul’s inspired words remind us of the power of Christian fellowship, that we are not meant to travel this journey alone, but to uplift and strengthen one another in faith. The Tepic OANSA kids are learning about the life of Timothy: his identity, from Whom he obtained his power, and how he could live boldly staying true to God’s Word. The deep bond between Paul and Timothy was a relationship built on faith, mentorship, and mutual encouragement. Paul told the Philippians: I have no one else like know that Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel. — not one-sided — Neither are the abundance of reassuring answers to prayer this past two months here in Mexico one-sided. God has used a faithful team for encouraging, building, and upholding His work. Thank you for your vital part in that. 

No sooner was the beautiful overhead structure at the OANSA court at Zapote de Picachos finished, than a team of the talented lesson writers made a trip to the village where all the Huichol youth camp teachers agreed to assemble for orientation. Of course, we chose to meet under that enormous, encouraging new blessing to review each Bible message that will be taught at this year’s camp: “No Turning Back.” Daniel and his friends, mutually encouraged by each other’s faith in their all-powerful God, did not turn back. There’s lots to pray about; David García designed a poster in English to remind us of some of the details. 

What could be more unimaginable than this? Jaime, the grandson of Nate Saint—the pilot who gave his life alongside Jim Elliot and three other dedicated missionaries in the jungles of Ecuador, a story that convinced a junior-high kid named Kirt Mellberg to someday invest his life in sharing the Gospel with the people of a foreign land—arrives in a Huichol village called La Bendición. His story and vision, representing the Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center (ITEC), encourage both UIM pilots and Huichol villagers. Adding to the incredible connection, Jaime Saint’s words in English were translated by David, the son of Martín—Kirt’s spiritual Timothy. 

Think about it: Nate Saint’s grandson, Jaime, working alongside Kirt’s spiritual grandson, David, for the cause of the Kingdom, right here in La Bendición! You can’t make this stuff up! We don’t have to—it’s just another encouraging part of the Designer’s master plan. 

It's been nine years since the IBBM Christmas celebration, Come and See Him...the King of Heaven is my Savior! Nahúm, the adorable, little singing shepherd boy, was born to a 16-year-old single mom. His high school drop-out dad was disoriented and suicidal; hopeless. That Savior about Whom Nahúm sang, came to rescue his lost parents and him. Thank God for those children who came to see Him and accepted His wonderful gift. Now, this year, Nahúm was the protagonist in the IBBM Christmas celebration entitled: If Jesus Hadn't Come… Nahúm’s dad? He’s the lead singer of the IBBM worship team. Yes, what if Jesus hadn’t come? We’re weekly mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. 

Pastor Phil McKeown from North Village Baptist Church retired this past month after 41 years of faithful service to his Lord and his beloved congregation. Though his ministry continues as he presses on toward the prize, he has passed the pastoral baton to Pastor Sean Myers. It is a joyous answer to prayer to witness this transition—one that honors the past, while today, embracing a renewed vision for reaching the lost within the church’s community and beyond. Pastor Sean, born the same year Pastor Phil began his ministry at NVBC, grew up in the neighborhood and experienced a very difficult childhood. Yet, through God’s miraculous intervention and guidance, he navigated a life of pain, suffering, and rejection, ultimately finding redemption, healing, and adoptive parents who helped nurture his faith. Now, divinely appointed for this role, he carries a deep personal understanding of the needs of the lost and underserved in the community. I am filled with expectation for what the Lord has in store for our sending church.               …that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith…


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Sunday, December 01, 2024

October/November 2024 - No Turning Back ~Ezekiel 46:9

October/November 2024

When the people of the land come before the Lord… he who enters by the north gate to worship shall go out by the south gate, and he who enters by the south gate shall go out by the north gate: no one shall return by way of the gate by which he entered, but each shall go out straight ahead. ~Ezekiel 46:9

Transformed Paths. Transformed Lives. No turning back. We’re teaching the children of IBBM-Tepic about the Old Testament prophets. In Ezekiel’s vision, worshipers entered the presence of God by one gate, and they left by an opposing gate, resolute with renewed purpose, direction, and hope marked by His love, grace, and power. The past two months in Tepic have been filled with astonishing stories of God’s provision for what was once barren but now is filled with spiritual life and corresponding physical structures that are sanctuaries of hope and testimony to the powerful truth that has shaped and transformed futures marked by His love, purpose, and provision. 

Huichol pastor José López is not the young guy he was when he became a believer 45 years ago. His story of entering the gate and never turning back is nothing short of a miracle intricately planned in the portals of heaven in the ages prior to his birth and rebirth. You can read about some of that here.  Previously known for their antagonism, hatred for the Gospel message, and persecution of their believing neighbors, the now-transformed believers from the church at Guásima del Caiman celebrated their very first anniversary in October.
José, the Huichol equivalent of the Apostle Paul, who has trekked tirelessly and faithfully throughout the Sierra Madre sharing the Gospel in village after village, was afraid that his 78-year-old legs wouldn’t be able to make that arduous trip “back home” to his natal village for the momentous celebration with the family he led to Christ. The previously hostile believers from the newborn church, met him at the river’s edge with a mule to carry its precious cargo over the treacherous 4-hour climb. The Guásima family, at long last, has walked through the gate, and they’re not turning back. 

The church at Zapote de Picachos celebrated its 20th anniversary with joyful festivities including baptizing nine new believers. Life is difficult in the remote village, but the members of that exemplary church don’t seem to notice much. They have an OANSA children’s ministry with more than 80 kids who, like their devoted leaders, wouldn’t think of missing a meeting. The sun is brutal on their beautiful game court, and the leaders have been praying about the possibility of building a protective overhead structure. There were no tangible resources for such a lofty dream, but in faith, with help from brothers from Tepic, they dug corner footers and cemented in the rebar, waiting for God’s provision. 

A friend of our Father’s, and ours, though we don’t even know him, is dying of cancer. He chose wisely to lay up treasure in his “coming-soon” new residence, purchasing the materials necessary for completing this project. It was surprising, but not exactly unexpected. Our friends from Zapote probably never imagined that one day, after walking straight through that gate to follow their Master, others from the state of Durango, who had also walked in obedience through that gate, would be transporting an enormous Sky Jack cross-country for them to use.

They also offered their hard-working, skillful hands and time to help install a marvelous structure over the treasured OANSA court where the children whose shepherded hearts are weekly learning to hide God's Word and His precepts in their own hearts.  Straight through, and no turning back.

Forty-nine years ago, this month, a young missionary couple arrived in Mexico. After investing 15 years, they faced some very confusing and discouraging trials. They prayed for God’s guidance and began picking up pieces starting all over with the planting and harvest process. That led to the birth of IBBM-Tepic. Now, 33 years later, we’re adding a second story to the Sunday school building where many children and young people will continue to hear the Good News, hide God’s truth in their hearts, and become the next generation of leaders at IBBM-Tepic and beyond. 

The materials and labor for “pouring” the concrete roof portion of Phase 2 of the Classroom Project were offered by that same anonymous friend, along with help from others who love this work. In both, Zapote de Picachos and Tepic, these sanctuaries of hope and testimonies to faithful friends and God’s constant provision were completed precisely on time, on Thanksgiving Day. In the gate, and no turning back!  How appropriate that this year’s theme for the upcoming Spring 2025 Huichol youth camp is, “No Turning Back”. There are lots of logistics to pray about, but the scripts for the teaching sessions are written, and the campers are in for the opportunity of a lifetime! Enter the gate; don’t turn back!  

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Tuesday, October 01, 2024

August - September 2024 ... mutually encouraged by each other’s faith

August - September 2024

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:11, 12 
As the rainy season tapers off, the daily downpours have ceased, but the scent of damp earth and soaked leaves still lingers in this sub-tropical paradise. Román made his way to Tepic from his mountain village of La Quemada this week to pick up one last roofing ridge cover for their church. He and the La Quemada community are deeply grateful for the collaboration of many who came together to make the beautiful, water-resistant church building in their village a reality. Now that the normally gentle Huazamota River has swelled into a fierce, roaring current, crossing it to reach Tepic is far easier said than done. We talked about that raging river and how its might doesn’t come from itself alone, but instead, from the many tributaries that feed into it. We agreed that that’s how God’s Kingdom grows, too. 

Nothing within this minor, Tepic-shaped conduit is achieved without the individual contributions of countless diverse and valuable tributaries, each connecting resources to a far greater body—God's mighty Kingdom. That we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine is a concept that never ceases to amaze and fill me with gratitude. 

September 15 marked the 214th anniversary of Mexico's fight for independence and freedom. It was also the day we said, “Hasta luego” to our beloved and highly esteemed language-school teacher, as she was freed from the chains of this world and graduated to her eternal home in Heaven. Georgia Webb, known as Luisa, here in Mexico, was dedicated to patiently demanding excellence in grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and cultural acquisition from many missionaries like Kirt and me as we prepared to serve in Spanish-speaking countries. She excelled at her work, and I am still, daily grateful for her diligence, her love for Mexico, and her lifetime of service to our Savior. Learning Spanish was the second hardest thing I've ever done, but mastering it from the outset has been a particularly vital tributary to making this ministry flow. Georgia began her missionary service in Mexico in 1948 when she was just 21. I wonder if she ever dreamed, as a young girl, “When I grow up, I want to spend my life as a single missionary in Mexico and teach Spanish to other missionaries.” Probably not! And when we left for language school in 1975, 49 years ago, we never imagined (Nor did Georgia!) the profound impact her teaching would have on countless lives in Tepic — many of whom she hasn't even met… yet. Up until her graduation to Heaven last week at age 97, she was active in her church that gathers in her home in Querétaro. Her legacy will endure in this world, and in the Kingdom, because she faithfully used her life and spiritual gifts to strengthen and encourage those whom God placed in her path. 

What follows is a glimpse of just a few of those from Tepic who were added to the roster this past month, and whom Georgia will have the chance to meet someday at Jesus’ feet: 

Adriana is Adrián’s eldest daughter. Adrián was a member of the IBBM OANSA club when we first got it started 30 years ago this coming January, and now, Adriana has also hidden God’s Word in her heart since she was a little Cubbie. She passed all the ranks with flying colors and applied hundreds of Bible verses and stories to her own life. She’s now an OANSA leader, Sunday School teacher, and worship team pianist. She’s studying engineering at the university, and all her classmates know she loves Jesus. She has invited them to church, and recently, Alejandro came along. He discovered that Jesus is just Who he needed in his life. He loves coming to special youth meetings that Pastor Martín’s son, David, leads every week. (David also has been in OANSA since he was a Cubbie.) Alejandro writes down every verse that David shares and asks important questions. The best question he’s ever asked was if Jesus could forgive him of his sin and be His very own Savior. Alejandro was baptized last week along with four others who have recently made the same wise choice. Mirna, Itzel, Luz Ermila, Yoselin, and Alejandro are not random names or numbers, but single lives designed by the Creator for a unique purpose. All of them have been ravaged by the raging currents of a world gone off course, but they have been rescued by the One Who loved them and came to give the most extravagantly-generous, prodigal gift of all that makes their redemption possible, offers them a life with purpose, and results in the day-to-day, one-person-at-a-time flow of God’s Kingdom building and mutually encouraging faith
Just as rivers grow mighty through the convergence of tributaries, so too has this ministry been nourished and strengthened by the generous contributions of many. Georgia’s efforts, many years ago, along with the spiritual gifts and investments of those who cherish the work God has entrusted to us, have become powerful tributaries flowing together to strengthen and encourage one another in faith. This mutual support—like streams from various sources—continues to fuel the vitality of this ever-expanding, life-giving river.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

June - July 2024 Behold, I will do a new thing… This people have I formed for myself; They shall shew forth my praise.

Behold, I will do a new thing… 
This people have I formed for myself; They shall shew forth my praise.     Isaiah 40:19-21 

With the hope of the promised coming Messiah, God encourages His people not to get bogged down on the things of the past, but instead, we should focus on the future. He has promised to do a new thing. He has just reminded them (and us) that He is our God, and that they (and we) are precious to Him. The past has passed, and new promised things are coming. So, we remember, but we don’t dwell on those former things of the past, good or bad, and even though a desert may be presently before us, His new thing is on its way. It’s that long-awaited river of redemption and deliverance that He has promised and prepared for His rescued people. 

The past two months in Tepic have encapsulated a beautiful and profound reflection on God’s provision for yesterday's dreams, today's fulfillment, and God’s new thing -- tomorrow's expectation and hope. The following are a few of many examples: 

For 25 years, the people of the village of Guásima del Caimán, Pastor José López’ natal village, rejected him and the Gospel he carried back to them just after he believed. God answered our past dreams and our prayers when by His grace, at long last, a small group (36 of them) was convinced by the Holy Spirit of their need for the Truth and the Savior. That started a snowball effect of major persecution by unbelieving villagers, and the newborn followers of Christ were forced to leave the village where they had been born and relocate. In unity, through much suffering and great sacrifice, they began to rebuild, living under tarps, sticks, and thatch, and whatever else they could find for protection. None of us thought this lonely, neglected place qualified for the name they chose for the new village, La Bendición (The Blessing). Shortly after moving to La Bendición, Zacarías and Santiaga’s baby girl was born. 

They named her Abigail (The joy of our Father). A little more than 15 years have passed since that first group moved to La Bendición. God has marvelously provided homes for them to live in, discipleship training, a thriving OANSA club for helping instruct their children, the complete Bible in their heart language, and an amazing church building (completed 12 years ago), the dedication of which they celebrated again this past month. Most all of them have become transformed, dedicated disciples, leaders, and very hard workers.

Refugio, who sets the example as a strong and faithful shepherd of his flock, one of the most valuable translators on the Huichol Bible team, and a missionary himself, celebrated his 44th birthday and 15 years as their loyal pastor. 

And little Abigail – well, she celebrated her “quinceañera,” her 15th birthday, where, remembering the past, she gave the glory to God for having rescued her family just before she was born, acknowledging present challenges, she vowed to remain faithful, but best of all, looking forward to the future thing that He has promised, she showed forth His praise for the hope and anticipation of her eternal home with Him in heaven. 

That little pilgrim group has grown spiritually, prospered unbelievably, and increased numerically many times over. In dozens of remote mountain villages, they have shared the Gospel with and discipled Huichols in need of their own rescue. At long last, those original persecutors of the first group of believers formerly from Guásima, have been transformed miraculously by the Truth of the Gospel, and now there is a thriving church “back home” also awaiting the promised new thing

Behold, I will do a new thing… God’s inspired prophetic words foretold by Isaiah in the Old Testament pointed to the now past coming of the Messiah to earth. Meanwhile, Jesus sits at His Father’s right hand interceding for multitudes of Abigails, Refugios, and for us. He has a mission that He will fulfill. He is determined, able, and has always had a plan. May we continue in unison to shew forth His praise in all the world as we await His new thing.

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Saturday, June 01, 2024

April - May 2024 Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.

Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. Proverbs 24:11 

Archived on his treasured parchment scrolls by means of Solomon’s prolific reed pen, God inspired His commandment for His people to rescue those who are in mortal danger. He holds His people responsible for helping those who are stumbling and staggering at the point of death. His explicit orders are to “Rescue them; do not stand back and let them die.” Not only was His command addressed to the people who lived three millennia ago, but we know that “whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction,” as well. We can never say that we didn’t know that many people in our world, in our communities at home and beyond, had little to no knowledge of the Truth. We do know this, and we must share it with those who are in peril. 

The past two months have been filled with opportunities to reach out to those in Tepic and in surrounding communities that need rescuing. The following are a few examples of many: 

As soon as the Huichol youth camp was over, the building materials for the completion of the Huichol church at La Quemada were set in transit. Their delivery was challenging as the truck, resembling a WWII relic, broke down five hours into the trip, just an hour short of La Quemada, and the driver wanted to drop off the cargo there. Thankfully, despite no access to parts in the middle of the Sierra Madre, they managed to get the truck operational and deliver the supplies to their contracted destination. Mexican and German volunteers (again!) from Durango, together with Pastor Martín from Tepic, and Huichol brothers from the church at Zapote de Picachos, united their efforts. UIM Aviation assisted by airlifting the Durango volunteers from Tepic to the airstrip at Zoquipan. There was a mysterious explosion at the Tepic airport after the first load left, so the second half of the workers was delayed until the resulting “lockdown” was lifted the following day. 

When they didn’t show up (no communication available), the first batch of volunteers hiked from the Zoquipan airstrip to La Quemada and began the work at hand without half of their team. The La Quemada church now has a completed building with a roof, plastered walls, a cement floor, and a bathroom, all finished before the rains begin, which will make access to the village impossible. The people of the village of La Quemada once did not know Jesus, who He is, what He has done, and how God has made a way for them to be saved from their sins. But now, God’s multiple and diverse team, showcasing the power of faith and community, has accepted His call and joined efforts to rescue those who once were staggering and lifeless in their sin. They now have a completed church building where they congregate faithfully, prepare to share the same, and give Him the glory for His grace, His provision, and their eternal life. 

The job at La Quemada had to be finished before the beginning of the rainy season makes passage to the village impossible. On the other hand, the metal window and door frames for the completion of the village church building at Guásima del Caimán, Pastor José López’s natal village, are being forged in Tepic as I write, and they will await the upcoming rainy season and the swelling of the river to facilitate their transport (a term used with reservation!). This phase is also made possible by sacrificial offerings from friends who love the Huichol ministry. The people and their meeting place are yet another graphic example of maximum unified team effort in the fulfillment of divine orders to rescue those who once were being taken away to death and to hold back those who were stumbling to the slaughter

Speaking of José Lopez, the Sierra Madre’s equivalent of the Apostle Paul, he faithfully has trekked from village to village on countless divinely appointed rescue missions, sharing salvation with those stumbling to the slaughter and working to establish these and other churches along the way. José underwent hernia surgery last month, and just this week, his surgeon complimented him on his excellent incision care, healing with no infection, and he removed the last of José’s stitches. Praise God for caring so well for His loyal and devoted agent of rescue

Meanwhile, last Saturday was OANSA Awards Day at IBBM-Tepic. My little friend, Luna (highlighted in the previous prayer update), was voted by all the OANSA leaders to receive the “Nobel Prize” this year. The Nobel Prize is the most coveted award of all in our club. Despite great odds against her winning anything, ever, she fulfilled all the attendance, growth, written, and memory requirements, but best of all, even with very little encouragement from home, she consistently showed a Christ-like attitude as she went about hiding God’s Word in her heart! I’m so happy for her! Luna told me last week, that her goal is to finish next year’s “Flames” rank (Eagles), then to graduate to the teenage group called “Torches,” finally working toward her “red shirt,” that of an OANSA leader. I pray that nothing stops her from achieving that God-given goal of joining the ranks of the rescuers! The enemy has positioned many obstacles to dissuade her. Praise God that He is greater! And praise God, little Luna has been rescued from among those who once were being taken away to death, and she has been held back from those who were stumbling to the slaughter

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Monday, April 01, 2024

February - March 2024 

“And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be taken up, he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem.” Luke 9:51

Though His unwavering resolve to head to Jerusalem to fulfill the horrendous purpose of His earthly ministry would require much more sacrifice than the prophesied: “giving of His back to those who would strike it and His cheeks to those who would pull out His beard,” Jesus refused to “hide His face from disgrace and spitting...” (Isaiah 50 5-6). En route to that unbearable cross and dreading the suffering, He made time to meet with those in need and sent His people to do the same so that the power of God could be seen in them, and He still does make time. Many of those needy people were weak, impetuous, slow to understand, and snubbed by society. Jesus taught and admonished them, fed them, prayed with them, took time to restore their sight, and healed the sick and hurting among them. He invited the little children and multitudes of others who had nothing to offer in exchange, to come to Him. He always had time for people, and He always will. 

The past two months in Tepic have been filled with opportunities to be among His sent ones and to experience the carrying out of Jesus’ intentional purpose along His steadfast journey. Following are a few examples of many. 

Luna is a 5th-grade girl who has navigated her ten years of life in a dysfunctional and destructive home life, alone, unsupported, and with emptiness in her heart, until in the IBBM-Tepic OANSA club, she was introduced to Jesus Who forgave her sins and has offered her new life. At last, Luna is learning that she’s not alone and that she’s loved unconditionally. With much encouragement, she is learning to memorize God’s word and apply it, and she recites her verses weekly. She is determined to “graduate” to the next level in May. Best of all, even in the face of adversity, she realizes that Jesus invites the little children to come, and He will walk beside her through every step of life's trials. Jesus and His sent ones take time for Luna. 

Who would imagine this? Dina is one of eight sisters raised in a Godless household with a sworn atheist father, an adamant Marxist committed to “shepherd” the hearts of his girls promoting Marx’s fundamental tenet that “religion is the opiate of the masses;” that Christianity is a distraction from the plight of human suffering and poverty. The walls of their home, instead of family portraits, displayed photos of Marx, Che Guevarra, Castro, and other communist ideologues. Their father spent his life up to the very last day (which ended this past year) convincing his daughters to expect their future husbands to deceive, abuse, and leave them (as he had their mother), and for them to prepare themselves to be self-supporting, to avoid proletariat oppression, and at all costs, to avoid displaying human weakness. Their father’s prophecy was carried out with horrific resulting struggles, cynicism, superiority, and wayward, rebellious children. Miracles never cease; all but one of those eight girls now, one by one, have been forgiven, redeemed by a steadfast Savior, and have chosen to follow Him. Dina has been told three times that she has cancer, breast, stomach, and now terminal colon cancer, and she has undergone excruciating chemotherapy for each. Though her condition prohibits her from being emersed in water, she is determined to proclaim to the whole world that she is now a child of God, a saved disciple of Jesus, and she will follow His example regardless of the risk. Jesus and His sent ones take time for Dina and her sisters. Watch Dina’s joyful baptism here. 

The greatest opportunity to follow Jesus’ directive and example of stopping at nothing to take time and share the Gospel with people in need was this year’s highly anticipated, much prayed-for, and generously provided for 11th annual Huichol youth camp. From the second the first campers arrived to well after they left to head back to their respective villages, there was not a moment of downtime. The theme was Guard Your Heart. The results of an army of discipled servants ready to serve were over-the-top life changing. We had set the limit at 200 because it's just about impossible to accommodate more in the facility we have used so far, but we just couldn't resist the pleas of an additional 38 campers this year from various villages throughout the Sierra Madre. Somehow there's always room and food and provision for "one more." Nineteen of those campers recognized their need for the Savior Who always has time for them. 

Heart-guarding is at the top of God's list for Jesus' followers, and it was appropriate for every single person at camp - Huichol campers, leaders, staff, and lesson writers. This year's hard-working, sacrificial youth staff from IBBM-Tepic did an amazing job of serving way above and beyond, following Jesus' steadfast example of considering His own needs and comfort less important than loving and caring for others, even as He set His face steadfastly toward the most agonizing, but critical, task ever performed. Carlos, one of the young staff members, wrote a heart-guarding note of gratitude for the privilege of serving again this year, his fourth. Here’s an excerpt from that note: “… I felt Jesus closer in every praise time, every devotional, every talk with my brothers and sisters in the faith, every act of service… This year, I was more blessed by the campers and staff members than I was able to bless them. I had to turn my back so they wouldn't see my tears flowing when I watched the Huichol young people accepting Christ’s forgiveness… This year I got to see Jesus’ work in hearts, but it was different; above all, He worked in my heart.” God’s faithfulness knows no bounds in the process of transformation. Jesus and His sent ones take time for Huichol neighbors and for Carlos. 

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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

December 2023 - January 2024 His process of redemption in the lives of those who are waiting to hear

“And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, …eighty-four. She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day…She began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.” Luke 2:33-38 

Through her love, devotion, and constant service to God in the Temple of Jerusalem, day and night, Anna was divinely positioned to see Him face-to-face and witness the presentation of baby Jesus, the Son of God, the Messiah, the Savior of the world Whose coming had been prophesied just following the very first sin in the Garden of Eden and for Whom Israel had waited all these years. 

No longer did it matter who Anna’s father was, though his name, Phanuel, means “Face of God,” nor was it so important that she was from the “lost” northern tribe of Asher (certainly not lost or forgotten by God!), nor that she was just a little old widow lady. All that mattered was that she had been privileged to personally know the Savior, and she resolved, wholeheartedly, to introduce the Redeemer to all who waited. Anna, the prophetess, would be the very first missionary mentioned in the New Testament, a proclaimer of His redemptive truth. 
The past two months in Tepic have been filled with God’s divine positioning of faithful servants who, day and night, witness His process of redemption in the lives of those who are waiting to hear.

In the last part of December at the Tepic church, IBBM, we had our annual OANSA Christmas party. LOTS of people worked together night and day to have everything in place, games, piñatas, food, special treats, and most importantly, the story time sharing the best Gift ever! Not everything worth doing comes off without a hitch; the enemy sees to that. For starters, the OANSA-mobile refused to move, so several of the leaders with their servant’s hearts, jumped in available cars and trucks and drove the bus route to pick up the kids from the other side of town who can come only if they have transportation.
Once everyone was here, we met in the church auditorium for singing and the Bible story time. Jonatán, once in cubbies, now club Commander, oversaw the preliminaries, and María, along with a few leader friends, shared the story of God’s very best Gift. As I looked around, I realized that Jonatán, María, Adriana, Josué, David, Omar, Carlita, and Lynethe grew up in OANSA. They started as cubbies and went through the entire program, with at least 12 years of hiding God’s Word in their hearts, learning to apply what they learned, serving, and becoming leaders. When María shared that God’s Gift came to give His life so that we might be forgiven, she could hardly get through her tears. When little cubbies María first started attending OANSA, her dad never dropped her off without leaving her in tears. Now she’s an excellent teacher who freely speaks of Him to all who are waiting for redemption. This coming month’s OANSA theme is: “Did Someone Say Mission? I’ll Go!” 

The following week IBBM-Tepic hosted our annual community Christmas Celebration. It was another wonderful opportunity to share the plan of redemption with all who are waiting to hear…even if they don’t know they are waiting! We shared 200 plates of tamales, beans, and dessert after the program. 

Preparations are underway for the upcoming 2024 Huichol youth camp in which we’re expecting more campers than we can handle from various mountain villages. This is a HUGE problem (It’s a good problem!). We've had to set a limit this year after concluding last year that the facilities we rent just don't allow for more than 200. If the “polling” on the sign-up sheets coming in indicates the final outcome, we will have to turn away way too many Huichol young people from this year’s camp. We are praying for God’s provision of a larger, more user-friendly multipurpose campground (and that dream may be a possibility), but the old “modified” brick factory where we meet is all we have right now. The theme this year, chosen by the Huichol leaders themselves is, “Guard Your Heart.” Each lesson includes a specific kind of “heart” referred to in the Bible and a character who portrays it: Deceitful-Judas, Cleansed-David, Willing-Isaiah, Abandoned-Solomon, Stone hard-Israel, Serviceable-Anna – Oh yes, Anna, that little old lady who with no father, no husband, and no children, did not neglect to serve, night and day, in the Temple. She appropriated the blessing given to her tribal patriarch from Moses: “As your days, so shall your strength be.” And God was just waiting to share His very best with that overlooked little old steward who was faithful, with her servant’s heart, in the place He positioned her. And Anna gave thanks to God and spoke of Him to all who were waiting for redemption.

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