Tuesday, October 01, 2024

August - September 2024 ... mutually encouraged by each other’s faith

August - September 2024

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:11, 12 
As the rainy season tapers off, the daily downpours have ceased, but the scent of damp earth and soaked leaves still lingers in this sub-tropical paradise. Román made his way to Tepic from his mountain village of La Quemada this week to pick up one last roofing ridge cover for their church. He and the La Quemada community are deeply grateful for the collaboration of many who came together to make the beautiful, water-resistant church building in their village a reality. Now that the normally gentle Huazamota River has swelled into a fierce, roaring current, crossing it to reach Tepic is far easier said than done. We talked about that raging river and how its might doesn’t come from itself alone, but instead, from the many tributaries that feed into it. We agreed that that’s how God’s Kingdom grows, too. 

Nothing within this minor, Tepic-shaped conduit is achieved without the individual contributions of countless diverse and valuable tributaries, each connecting resources to a far greater body—God's mighty Kingdom. That we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine is a concept that never ceases to amaze and fill me with gratitude. 

September 15 marked the 214th anniversary of Mexico's fight for independence and freedom. It was also the day we said, “Hasta luego” to our beloved and highly esteemed language-school teacher, as she was freed from the chains of this world and graduated to her eternal home in Heaven. Georgia Webb, known as Luisa, here in Mexico, was dedicated to patiently demanding excellence in grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and cultural acquisition from many missionaries like Kirt and me as we prepared to serve in Spanish-speaking countries. She excelled at her work, and I am still, daily grateful for her diligence, her love for Mexico, and her lifetime of service to our Savior. Learning Spanish was the second hardest thing I've ever done, but mastering it from the outset has been a particularly vital tributary to making this ministry flow. Georgia began her missionary service in Mexico in 1948 when she was just 21. I wonder if she ever dreamed, as a young girl, “When I grow up, I want to spend my life as a single missionary in Mexico and teach Spanish to other missionaries.” Probably not! And when we left for language school in 1975, 49 years ago, we never imagined (Nor did Georgia!) the profound impact her teaching would have on countless lives in Tepic — many of whom she hasn't even met… yet. Up until her graduation to Heaven last week at age 97, she was active in her church that gathers in her home in Querétaro. Her legacy will endure in this world, and in the Kingdom, because she faithfully used her life and spiritual gifts to strengthen and encourage those whom God placed in her path. 

What follows is a glimpse of just a few of those from Tepic who were added to the roster this past month, and whom Georgia will have the chance to meet someday at Jesus’ feet: 

Adriana is Adrián’s eldest daughter. Adrián was a member of the IBBM OANSA club when we first got it started 30 years ago this coming January, and now, Adriana has also hidden God’s Word in her heart since she was a little Cubbie. She passed all the ranks with flying colors and applied hundreds of Bible verses and stories to her own life. She’s now an OANSA leader, Sunday School teacher, and worship team pianist. She’s studying engineering at the university, and all her classmates know she loves Jesus. She has invited them to church, and recently, Alejandro came along. He discovered that Jesus is just Who he needed in his life. He loves coming to special youth meetings that Pastor Martín’s son, David, leads every week. (David also has been in OANSA since he was a Cubbie.) Alejandro writes down every verse that David shares and asks important questions. The best question he’s ever asked was if Jesus could forgive him of his sin and be His very own Savior. Alejandro was baptized last week along with four others who have recently made the same wise choice. Mirna, Itzel, Luz Ermila, Yoselin, and Alejandro are not random names or numbers, but single lives designed by the Creator for a unique purpose. All of them have been ravaged by the raging currents of a world gone off course, but they have been rescued by the One Who loved them and came to give the most extravagantly-generous, prodigal gift of all that makes their redemption possible, offers them a life with purpose, and results in the day-to-day, one-person-at-a-time flow of God’s Kingdom building and mutually encouraging faith
Just as rivers grow mighty through the convergence of tributaries, so too has this ministry been nourished and strengthened by the generous contributions of many. Georgia’s efforts, many years ago, along with the spiritual gifts and investments of those who cherish the work God has entrusted to us, have become powerful tributaries flowing together to strengthen and encourage one another in faith. This mutual support—like streams from various sources—continues to fuel the vitality of this ever-expanding, life-giving river.


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