Debbie Mellberg - missionary bio - July 2005

Debbie Mellberg
Tepic, Nayarit MEXICO
Kirt and Debbie were both born in Arizona and
graduated from Southwestern Baptist College in Phoenix, AZ; Kirt with a B.A. in Bible, and Debbie with a B.S. in Elementary Education. After graduation, they served a two-year internship in their home church in Phoenix, the Alice Avenue Baptist Church (now North Village Baptist Church). They attended a language school in Querétaro, Mexico, in 1976, and then after deputation, they began working in Tepic, Nayarit, 1,000 miles south of the border on the west coast of Mexico.
Together, they invested 28 years in Nayarit and have worked with nationals in establishing a number of distinct churches. Each church and every group or culture of people with whom they have been privileged to work has been unique. The small village works have been known for their warm, "country" hospitality. The primitive Huichol Indian works are intriguing for their radical change to Christ from the worship of over 150 Huichol gods. In Tepic they have been working with city people, who in the past may have never darkened the door of an evangelical Christian church. The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista de Tepic now has an average of 150 in attendance, a discipleship program, an Awana Club, and an active high school-college group. The Lord opened up a greater ministry than they ever dreamed possible with the most loving and caring body of believers in Mexico.
Kirt and Debbie have four children, Ben, Jeremy, Charity, and Tim, who were educated through high school at home by Debbie. All four have been a great asset in the task of sharing the love of Jesus with those who have never heard. This is a very difficult time for Debbie and the family as Kirt went to heaven on March 23 this year. Their hearts are heavy with the great loss, but they refuse to be discouraged or afraid. They are continuing to seek God’s wisdom and guidance, and they are focusing on His abundant blessings. Debbie is relying on God’s strength, wisdom as she continues to serve in Mexico.
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