November-December 2006
Thank you so much for joining me in prayer for God’s wisdom and provision in every aspect of this ministry. The past 2 months have been filled with way too many activities to report in a short praise and prayer update, but the following are some highlights for our grateful reflection.
The first week in November, the Huichol church at the village of Zapote de Picachos celebrated the 2nd anniversary of the re-building of their church in their government-imposed new location. After “emulating mountain goats” in the trek to the village, we enjoyed fellowship with the believers from Picachos and those who congregated from other villages for the celebration. Along with the well-wishers, one disgruntled outsider waltzed in out of the blue and singled-out several of the “sheep,” including Santiago and Gabriela (new believers visiting from Santa Catarina), offering his teaching services and bad-mouthing the family of churches and leadership represented at the Picachos celebration. Pastor Manuel taught on the importance of "giving everything we have to Christ," not just our hands or feet, or whatever isolated ability we possess. He shared that just as each element in our body must be delivered over to the Lord's service, so must each member of the body of believers be delivered over to the good of the church, as a whole. The “prowling wolf” sincerely repented of his divisive actions. Manuel’s message was confirmation that the machinery of the "church" is based on sound biblical teaching, and the "shepherds" are constantly watching over their "sheep" to protect them from harm. See shots from the Picachos celebration here.
Hugo has stepped up to a position of spiritual

Aarón, Humberto and José Luis, Jr.,

Our annual celebration at the Tepic church the Sunday before Christmas was the most awesome ever! During the grueling weeks of preparation and during the program, I found myself shaking my head in disbelief at the unity in working together, the creative ideas, the joyful sacrificial service, the lack of conflicts, and the commitment on the part of nearly everybody from the church in the effort. Kirt's dream is being paled by the reality! We stopped passing out tickets to those in attendance for the after-celebration tamale dinner after 220! Check out the included follow-up story, “The Last Chapter Has Yet to Be Written,” and see some digital pictures from the Christmas celebration here.
The best part of the Tepic celebration for me, however, took place the day after. My friend, Elena, “dropped by” after work at 10:30 Monday night. I had told her to come by “anytime”; my house is always open. Her face was swollen from crying, and in desperation she admitted, “I need to pray, but I don’t know how.” She went on to ask, “How can you all (the people from the Tepic church who reached out to our community the night before at the Christmas celebration) be so happy, and how can I be so dreadfully sad?” Elena is an OB/GYN doctor, and her husband is an endocrinologist. Their marriage is a disaster, their 2 teen-aged children are disoriented, overindulged ingrates, and in spite of her dedication to the traditional religion of Mexico, her affluence, and her prestigious position in society, she is miserable. I told her that the prayer God is waiting to hear from her is the confession of her sin, the admission of her powerlessness to save herself, and the invitation of Jesus to come into life and be her Lord and Savior. Two hours later, we bowed our heads, and she experienced the greatest miracle of all, her birth into the family of God.
Telésforo Diaz was among the thirty-six Huichols

Many Huichols congregated in the village of Codorniz to celebrate Christmas this year. In spite of freezing cold weather, 16 new believers followed Jesus example and were baptized in the river near the village. See some shots from the Codorniz Christmas celebration here.
In June, when I began asking for prayer that we would be able to complete the recording of the Huichol New Testament and that God would provide the resources necessary to purchase and distribute Mp3 MegaVoice Ambassadors in the Huichol villages throughout the mountains, I never imagined myself exclaiming along with the sanctuary workmen who reported to Moses, “The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the LORD commanded to make” Exodus 36:5. Thank you for praying and giving willingly, so willingly that like Moses, I have to impose a restraint on future contributions to this project! God has miraculously provided all we need to make the final payment for the 1000 players, and we expect to have them in hand to begin distribution by the end of January!
I am grateful for the opportunity God has given me to participate in His work. Thank you for your part in making it all possible.
All because of Jesus,
Debbie Mellberg
Quick Reference Version of November-December Prayer Requests:
1. Huichol leadership – wisdom in shepherding the extensive flock throughout the Sierra Madre Mountains
2. Hugo and Aarón, Humberto, & José Luis – wisdom in teaching/leading new Bible studies in Tepic
3. Dr. Elena and family
4. Salvation forJulio – shaman in Guásima del Caimán
5. Distribution of MegaVoice Ambassador Mp3 players to Huichol communities
6. Huichol Old Testament Translation Project beginning January 29
7. Kirt Mellberg Memorial Scholarship
I'm gonna have to link your page over to my uncle's e-mail 'cause he has a special place in his heart for the huichol.
A spanish video challanging people to missions . . .that's my uncle speaking . .
Blessings on what you do.
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