Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sequel #1 to July/August 2010 Update: It WAS official! The ½ acre plot of land directly adjacent to the Tepic church about which Kirt and I sent a letter 10 years ago requesting special prayer, with no previous notice, has been placed up for public auction, again... “Legitimately” (Ha!). However, the July/August prayer update that I had prepared to send out last week giving all the details, is now obsolete. Things have turned really ugly in the past few days since the auction officially started, and for us, the auction is officially, "off". We are in absolute need of prayer, but I don't want to receive any offerings toward the property. The ex-owner somehow has regained major political clout and connections and has come back with a vengeance. He installed a big black solid metal door across the entrance to the property, which also happens to be the entrance to my house (which was also his before he lost it years ago to the bank). He sent his lawyer (who is nicknamed in the underworld, "El Cuchillo" [The Knife]) to inform me they would allow me 10 minutes to get my vehicle off my property and out the door before they locked it permanently. They are claiming that the road in front of my house is not Acacia Street, but that it is "their" property, so I will no longer have access to my entrance. Meanwhile, my vehicle is being parked in the street on the other side of my front wall... longer story yet ... but it's not good. I've gone to all the appropriate authorities seeking assistance, but so far all have been unable or unwilling to get the lock removed from the gate (If they can't do that, they certainly won't be able to deliver to the highest bidder possession of the property we have been considering! Thank you, Lord, for THIS heads-up!). I refuse to fight over property rights with any of the “Cuchillo’s” band. I will continue to pursue justice by government authorities, keeping in heart and mind, however, that God chose to respond to us in love, while we were still His enemies; and I intend to use this opportunity to be a living example before many who are watching, of that reality of the Cross. It won’t be easy, and it is certain that I’ll need the prayers of all this team. For that I thank you in advance.


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