Thursday, August 01, 2024

June - July 2024 Behold, I will do a new thing… This people have I formed for myself; They shall shew forth my praise.

Behold, I will do a new thing… 
This people have I formed for myself; They shall shew forth my praise.     Isaiah 40:19-21 

With the hope of the promised coming Messiah, God encourages His people not to get bogged down on the things of the past, but instead, we should focus on the future. He has promised to do a new thing. He has just reminded them (and us) that He is our God, and that they (and we) are precious to Him. The past has passed, and new promised things are coming. So, we remember, but we don’t dwell on those former things of the past, good or bad, and even though a desert may be presently before us, His new thing is on its way. It’s that long-awaited river of redemption and deliverance that He has promised and prepared for His rescued people. 

The past two months in Tepic have encapsulated a beautiful and profound reflection on God’s provision for yesterday's dreams, today's fulfillment, and God’s new thing -- tomorrow's expectation and hope. The following are a few of many examples: 

For 25 years, the people of the village of Guásima del Caimán, Pastor José López’ natal village, rejected him and the Gospel he carried back to them just after he believed. God answered our past dreams and our prayers when by His grace, at long last, a small group (36 of them) was convinced by the Holy Spirit of their need for the Truth and the Savior. That started a snowball effect of major persecution by unbelieving villagers, and the newborn followers of Christ were forced to leave the village where they had been born and relocate. In unity, through much suffering and great sacrifice, they began to rebuild, living under tarps, sticks, and thatch, and whatever else they could find for protection. None of us thought this lonely, neglected place qualified for the name they chose for the new village, La Bendición (The Blessing). Shortly after moving to La Bendición, Zacarías and Santiaga’s baby girl was born. 

They named her Abigail (The joy of our Father). A little more than 15 years have passed since that first group moved to La Bendición. God has marvelously provided homes for them to live in, discipleship training, a thriving OANSA club for helping instruct their children, the complete Bible in their heart language, and an amazing church building (completed 12 years ago), the dedication of which they celebrated again this past month. Most all of them have become transformed, dedicated disciples, leaders, and very hard workers.

Refugio, who sets the example as a strong and faithful shepherd of his flock, one of the most valuable translators on the Huichol Bible team, and a missionary himself, celebrated his 44th birthday and 15 years as their loyal pastor. 

And little Abigail – well, she celebrated her “quinceañera,” her 15th birthday, where, remembering the past, she gave the glory to God for having rescued her family just before she was born, acknowledging present challenges, she vowed to remain faithful, but best of all, looking forward to the future thing that He has promised, she showed forth His praise for the hope and anticipation of her eternal home with Him in heaven. 

That little pilgrim group has grown spiritually, prospered unbelievably, and increased numerically many times over. In dozens of remote mountain villages, they have shared the Gospel with and discipled Huichols in need of their own rescue. At long last, those original persecutors of the first group of believers formerly from Guásima, have been transformed miraculously by the Truth of the Gospel, and now there is a thriving church “back home” also awaiting the promised new thing

Behold, I will do a new thing… God’s inspired prophetic words foretold by Isaiah in the Old Testament pointed to the now past coming of the Messiah to earth. Meanwhile, Jesus sits at His Father’s right hand interceding for multitudes of Abigails, Refugios, and for us. He has a mission that He will fulfill. He is determined, able, and has always had a plan. May we continue in unison to shew forth His praise in all the world as we await His new thing.

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