Noé and Caty were 100% sincere the night of August 18, 2004, when in their living room Kirt and I shared in their tears of rejoicing as they accepted Jesus’ forgiveness of their sins and turned their everything over to Him.

From that day to this, they have systematically gone about restoring past wrongs and seeking avenues of service. In the 6 months following their conversion and before

Kirt was promoted to heaven, Noé rarely left his side in sharing in tangible opportunities for ministering with his skillful hands. He was among the 5 who journeyed 16 hours by truck and 6 hours on foot to the
Huichol village of Los Aires 
, 3 weeks after Kirt's graduation, to put the roof on that little rural church building.

He and Caty immediately got involved in being personally discipled by Nacho and Lorena. Several months after coming to Christ, they acknowledged that though they had been together for 8 years,

they had never been married, and the following day they headed to the government office of public records to officially tie the knot.

They tirelessly have been involved in AWANA, visitation, prayer meetings, Bible studies and evangelism.
It occurred to Noé that having moved in with Caty years ago without marrying her was an offense against her family, and he determined to make that right. Noé went to Caty’s father to ask forgiveness, explaining to him that since he and Caty are now members of God’s family, He expects them to live according to Bible standards.

They completed a 6-month course on principles of biblical marriage with Martín and Erén then planned a beautiful consecration service with the goal in mind of setting an example for the young people in the church and of getting Caty’s parents and extended family to come to church to witness their commitment to Christ and to each other and to hear the clear presentation of the Gospel. Her parents are extremely antagonistic toward anything but their own traditional religion, and they have rejected Caty’s choice to become a Christian, but they agreed to attend the ceremony. It was a beautiful testimony to God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness; and Caty’s family was positively impacted by the love, unity, and supportiveness of the Tepic church “family.”

I felt honored that they asked me to present them with the Bible in keeping of that meaningful tradition in Christian weddings at the Tepic church. The following is a translation of a little note that I read to them during the presentation:
Noé and Caty,
This happy celebration is motive for much rejoicing, for many reasons. Among them is the fact that this is one more step in your development as our maturing brother and sister in this, God’s great big family. Kirt and I were present the night the two of you were born into the family of God, when you surrendered your hearts to Him, and deposited your faith in Jesus Christ, the only One who is worthy of our complete confidence for the forgiveness of sins.
Just like the Apostle John in III John 1:4, Kirt would say, and I do say: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”
The Bible is Truth, the living Word of God. It is where Christ’s followers go to learn what God has done, what He is doing, and what He has yet to do. It gives testimony of God’s grace in our world and of His faithfulness to His people throughout the course of time. It demonstrates that God loves us, and it helps us see our great need for Him. There is no greater authority on earth. As followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, we recognize that the Bible is our source of truth and life. It opens for us and lays bare the mysteries and heart of God. We must go to the Word of God to know the God of the Word.
Noé and Caty, with all my love, I present you with this Bible. Listen to the Word of God. Learn and share its truth. Discover its mysteries; honor its commandments; and rejoice in its good news. My prayer is that this Word that gives life, will motivate you, encourage you and make you wise in your life of service together as His followers.
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