One year

ago last July...How could that possibly be? Nearly a year-and-a-half ago, the Tri-City Baptist Temple of Oregon invited me to be the “resident” missionary for the week of Vacation Bible School. The theme of VBS was “FIESTA,” and what a breathtaking party it was! We considered the truth that Jesus is our Friend, our Life, our Leader, our Savior, and Jesus is our Helper; and because of that, we want to serve Him with everything He has given us.
It’s no secret that the world is full of millions of people who cannot meet basic needs for survival; we also know that we can’t do everything, but we can do something!

And how much better if by giving of our selves we can earn the privilege of sharing with those who may not know what God’s Word says about God’s greatest gift of all.That’s the premise behind the massive effort that was exerted to make, store, transport, and deliver 65 soft, warm and meaningful blankets to Huichol children in the Mexican mountain village of Zapote de Picachos.

The Tri-City VBS children all participated in assembling and tying together the colorful, orange fleece sheets that brightly proclaim, “Jesus Loves Me” and “Jesús Me Ama.” To avoid exorbitant international shipping fees and possible "loss," a family from the Tri-City Baptist Temple transported them from Oregon, in their motor home, to Phoenix en route to their vacation destination. North Village Baptist Church stored them in the missions office until willing “smugglers” heading to Tepic could bring them along in extra suitcases.

Members of the Bridgeway Community Church and of North Village Baptist worked their way through customs inspections as they brought ridiculous amounts of luggage for their short visits to Tepic. And at long last, Friday, in celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the completion of the church building in the village of Zapote de Picachos, an energetic band of believers from the Tepic church conveyed the precious cargo to the Agua Milpa dam, loaded it on the boat, and thankfully, were met by strong Huichol couriers at the landing, a healthy 40-minute hike from the village.

After all, Pastor Manuel asked me to share with his growing congregation the long story behind the gifts made and delivered in love; but best of all, the story of the greatest gift ever given, the same Jesus whose name appears on the soft, warm blankets, God’s very own Son who lovingly gave everything that we might receive eternal life.
“For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink…naked, and ye clothed me…Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?...or naked, and clothed thee?…Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:35-40

Labels: Zapote Picachos blankets VBS Tri-City Bridgeway North Village
Debbie, I love reading your updates. My husband and I are second generation missionaries in Mexico. Your ministry is wonderful and I pray that God would continue to bless you.
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