José López surgery - (Sequel #5)
Sequel #5 (positive) to July/August 2010 Update - José López – stitches out! 9-26-10
Sequel #5 (positive) to July/August 2010 Update - José López – stitches out! 9-26-10
Sequel #4 (positive) to July/August 2010 Update: What possibly could be more positive than the fact that the Tepic church (Iglesia Bíblica Bautista Misericordia – Tepic) is known for her diligence in praying faithfully and trusting our omnipotent Father for the outcome that is promised for our present and ultimate good? I can’t even begin to count the hundreds of faith-building answers to prayer He has provided. Not only do our Mexican brothers and sisters pray sincerely, passionately and faithfully for people and matters close to home, but also they pray for needs around the world that are brought to our attention. For nearly a year now, since we first heard of Evan’s (a friend of this ministry who lives in Arizona) cancer, he has been on every prayer list. Not a week has passed that we haven’t prayed for his healing, for his comfort even in his agonizing chemo, stem cell transplant, and radiation treatments, for his family, and for the severe financial strains they are experiencing as a result of this trial. The IBBM young people have particularly identified with their young brother, and they have felt the need to do more than just pray, based on the Bible’s admonition in James 2:15, 16: “If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?” They said, “None of us has much, but all of us have something we can offer.” So, they got their heads together and dreamed up a soccer tournament in Evan’s honor; with special permission from the municipal authorities, they reserved the local soccer arena for Sunday after church. Carlita invited some of her unbelieving friends from the University to form a team. Cuautli invited his city league team, and Filiberto invited his team. Jessica invited some guys from her high school. Of course the Tepic church team signed up; and even pastors Martín and Nacho rounded up some other 40-year-old “victims”
Sequel #3 (positive) to July/August 2010 Update: I promised that today I would fill you faithful prayer warriors in with the 1st of some “mini-updates” about current positive answers to your priceless prayers for this work. I didn’t expect that today would be nearly over before that answer would be ready to report. Pastor José López' surgery we’ve all been praying for is finally behind us!
Sequel #2 to July/August 2010 Update: WOW! I never dreamed I had so many real, true friends who actually read my updates, genuinely care and are willing to do their part to help batten down the proverbial hatches in preparation for difficult times! Thank you all. I want to clear up some possible confusion with regard to “big black solid metal door across the entrance” to the property and my house. The “Cuchillo” told me when he came to “click” the lock that they would leave a 70 centimeter door in the obnoxious gate unlocked allow me the “privilege” of passing through on foot to my house...but he said, “Don’t even think of driving through.” Do I really look that impetuous?!? Though he insisted that the little 70 centimeter door is only for my personal use, it still allows my friends and me access to my house. Men’s prayer meeting met here early this morning as usual. I do have a lawyer I’ve known for 25 years working with me on the details. He says my documents are impeccably in order, and we will come to a reasonable solution, but it won’t be “mañana”. He’s estimating at least 4-5 months. This is not an isolated case. I have missionary friends all over the world who are being faced with similar distractions. One friend in Poland says, “Satan is not very creative. But he wants to stop us anyway.” Another friend in Israel is facing possible deportation. Another in Australia says they just got a property battle dumped on them last spite of having their documents legal and in order.” He agrees that the enemy thrives on the “intensity of the emotional disruption and distraction that intrudes itself upon our desire for grace and peace and healthy relationships and thoughts.” How appropriate it is that we of the Tepic Church (IBBM-Tepic) have chosen “I Press Toward the Mark” as our theme for the 19th Anniversary Sunday celebration on October 3 and for the upcoming year. The emphasis is not on “I Press” but on “the Mark.” May we not allow demonic distractions to divert us from that objective. Speaking of not being distracted from the “Mark,” check back tomorrow (I hope) for the 1st of some mini-updates about current positive answers to your priceless prayers for this work.
Sequel #1 to July/August 2010 Update: It WAS official! The ½ acre plot of land directly adjacent to the Tepic church about which Kirt and I sent a letter 10 years ago requesting special prayer, with no previous notice, has been placed up for public auction, again... “Legitimately” (Ha!). However, the July/August prayer update that I had prepared to send out last week giving all the details, is now obsolete. Things have turned really ugly in the past few days since the auction officially started, and for us, the auction is officially, "off". We are in absolute need of prayer, but I don't want to receive any offerings toward the property. The ex-owner somehow has regained major political clout and connections and has come back with a vengeance. He installed a big black solid metal door across the entrance to the property, which also happens to be the entrance to my house (which was also his before he lost it years ago to the bank). He sent his lawyer (who is nicknamed in the underworld, "El Cuchillo" [The Knife]) to inform me they would allow me 10 minutes to get my vehicle off my property and out the door before they locked it permanently. They are claiming that the road in front of my house is not Acacia Street, but that it is "their" property, so I will no longer have access to my entrance. Meanwhile, my vehicle is being parked in the street on the other side of my front wall... longer story yet ... but it's not good. I've gone to all the appropriate authorities seeking assistance, but so far all have been unable or unwilling to get the lock removed from the gate (If they can't do that, they certainly won't be able to deliver to the highest bidder possession of the property we have been considering! Thank you, Lord, for THIS heads-up!). I refuse to fight over property rights with any of the “Cuchillo’s” band. I will continue to pursue justice by government authorities, keeping in heart and mind, however, that God chose to respond to us in love, while we were still His enemies; and I intend to use this opportunity to be a living example before many who are watching, of that reality of the Cross. It won’t be easy, and it is certain that I’ll need the prayers of all this team. For that I thank you in advance.
July/August 2010 “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy...” Zephaniah 3:17a
Labels: Iglesia Biblica Bautista Misericordia, José López, Kirt Mellberg Memorial Scholarship, Marisol, property auction, surgery