September/October 2005
September-October 2005
Dear Friends,
“Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savor of his knowledge by us in every place.” (II Corinthians 2:14) How vitalizing it is to know that we are not alone in the battle and that we are more than conquerors through Him.

The first week of October, six visitors from North Village Baptist Church, along with our son, Ben, and his wife, Karley, made a trip with me to help celebrate the completion of Phase 3, the walls, of the Huichol church building in Zapote de Picachos. Six months ago, this milestone was only a dream. The brothers and sisters of the Picachos village could hardly wait for us to arrive, and they are beaming with joy that their church is nearly finished. The bricks were transported by truck to the lake, and then by boatloads to the landing that is nearly a mile-long hike from the village. The men, women and children from the Picachos church, and several from the village of Los Aires who came to help out, stationed themselves from the landing to the village, and bricks were passed in bundles of 4 from one person to the next until they were placed at the construction site. That means that every member of the church old enough to participate has handled every single brick that is now in the walls of their church. The brick walls are up, and the floor, doors and windows are in. The final phase of the building project is in progress at this moment. Before dawn this morning, six men from the Tepic church left with two power plants, tools, and the final materials necessary for welding the trusses and installing the roofing material. Pastor Manuel from Picachos has proven himself an exemplary man of God and leader of his flock. He has led by his pattern of faithfulness and personal sacrifice, and God has rewarded him with a new building and a congregation of brothers and sisters ready to grow and serve. A group of Mexican believers from the Tepic church will be going with me to the village on November 2 for an all-day celebration, with our Huichol brothers and sisters, of the completion and inauguration of the beautiful new building.
Meanwhile, the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista de Tepic celebrated our 14th anniversary on October 2. Pastor McKeown from North Village Baptist gave the message, “Peace—Not As the World Gives,” while Ben interpreted. The church was filled to capacity and beyond with more than 220 people, and everyone present heard that only the Prince of Peace can provide the peace that passes all understanding that we have experienced and for which everyone longs. Several life-changing decisions were made at the close of the service
Again, “We are forever grateful for your love and care that allows us to be here sharing God’s love.” Thanks again for your sensitivity and supportiveness of the work here in Tepic.
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