Thank you for continuing to pray for my most recent requests.

Little Grandma is being inundated in attention and loving care, especially from Kirt’s older brother, Carl, and his wife, Carol. They have returned to their home in Colorado and took Little Grandma back with them. Before they left, they had a big Thanksgiving get-together with almost all of her grandkids and great-grandkids in her home in Tucson. Though the prognosis had been for a matter of days, the fact that she is eating and talking and in a really good mood, is proof that the length of our days on earth is totally in God’s hands.

Vicente had his surgery to implant the metal plate and pins at the site of the fracture on November 20, and he has been recuperating in the hospital ever since. The brothers from Zapote have taken turns sitting with him around-the-clock since he was admitted. Today, at last, he was discharged. He still has a LONG road to recovery, and the therapy will not be easy. He is very weak. I took him a pair of crutches that he will begin to use a little each day. He will be staying in the village closest to Tepic, Puga, so that he will be more easily accessible to his follow-up visits with the doctor. Most of the men from the villages of Zapote and La Bendición are out of their villages working in harvests to earn enough to care for their families and to help pay back the loan they received from their fishing co-op. Thank you for praying for Vicente and his Huichol brothers during this very difficult faith-testing time.
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